Drone-Aerial Mapping
Using state-of-the-art remote sensing and software technologies, we transform drone-captured imagery and data into detailed 3D models and orthoimagery.
A methodical approach delivers accurate results
First of all, let's talk safety. We only fly with FAA Part 107 certified remote pilots who follow our Safe Operating Procedures. Our pilots have thousands of flights and hundreds of flight-hours without incident, and we intend to keep it that way by ensure safe operating practices in all we do.
Advancements in sensor/drone technologies and software provide precise aerial imagery & robust processing techniques to deliver highly accurate surveying and mapping solutions.
Sniffer provides a number of manual and aerial inspection services to customers. This work usually entails multiple visits to the same site in a year - many requiring our pilots to be onsite to perform aerial emissions or other aerial inspections. Since we own and utilize the industry's most advanced drone platforms and sensors, our customers began asking us to perform drone-based aerial mapping for their operations while onsite. Customers reported our work to be highly accurate and found our services decreased their costs and improved their operations. Our aerial mapping work has since grown, along with our capabilities.
Today, customers ask us to perform aerial mapping along with our other services. We collect images taken by our drones and process them using advanced photogrammetry software to create orthorectified images and 3D models. We provide these outputs to engineers, who then use them for calculations, measurements, and additional modeling.
3D models (digital elevation, surface, terrain)
Point cloud files
Visual inspection
- Typical calculations and measurements (volumetrics)
Density/Airspace calculations
Stockpile measurements
Cut/Fill analyses
Slope measurements
We use the industry's latest tools to ensure the highest accuracy of data content.
Point clouds are GIS data containing x, y, and z geometric coordinates of a single point in space. The data is exported as LAZ or LAS files, and is used to create 3D models for visualization, spectral characterization, and other purposes.
Like the digital surface (DSM) or terrain (DTM) models, these models are used in geospatial to create relief maps. The DEM generally provides elevation data of the surface, less objects or vegetation. The DSM and DTMs are variants of the DEM with further definition.
Volumetrics refers to the use of 3D models to calculate the total volume of a defined area. Volumetrics can be used to determine the volume of a pond, the volume of a material in a stockpile, the area of change between two surfaces over time, and more.