Convert Your Emissions to Dollars!
Sniffer Robotics is exhibiting at the RNG Works Technical Workshop & Expo in Nashville, TN on September 10-12, 2024! We would like to invite you to stop by our booth (#705), and hope you consider attending the technical session where we're presenting the future of emissions monitoring, including our SnifferDRONE™ technology:
“Sniffing for Dollars” Using Aerial Drones & Data Transformation
to Manage Methane Emissions & Improve Your ROI
Presented by Sniffer CEO, Bill Tennant
Thursday, September 12th, 2024
11:10 AM – 11:30 AM
Sniffer provides comprehensive emissions assessments for RNG facilities, landfills, and biodigesters (covered anaerobic lagoons, plug flow anaerobic digestors, complete mix or CSTR). Sniffer utilizes aerial (drone) and manual technologies and methods to perform industry-leading methane emissions detection, monitoring, and quantification for land-based applications.
The SnifferDRONE is the industry's most advanced method for comprehensive non-compliance emissions studies, as well as for US-EPA approved quarterly SEM (OTM-51/ALT-150). In addition to automated methods, Sniffer also offers Method-21 manual SEM and OOOO (b) inspections for sites where meeting compliance is the objective.
To provide our customers with a full picture of their sites and their emissions, Sniffer develops a wide variety of customized GIS/mapping software applications. Our fast, automated reports help to improve operational efficiency and storytelling. We offer a comprehensive portfolio of services and would love to discuss your goals with you to learn how we may benefit your project.
We hope to see you in Nashville. If you'd like to make an appointment with us at RNG Works, send us an email at!
Sniffer Robotics' is a leading environmental technology enabled services company focused on providing new industry technologies and solutions to address old industry challenges. Whether for compliance or non-compliance, our emissions monitoring services are best-in-class. Consider Sniffer for emissions work, or additional services including manual field services, and/or drone-based aerial surveying, radiometric thermal imagery, and other related services.