Is Your Gas Collection System Functioning at Peak Operational Efficiency?
Or is it Leaking Profits Into Thin Air?
Methane(CH4) is a greenhouse gas that’s 28 times more potent than CO2 at trapping atmospheric heat. Satellite watchdogs are identifying super emitters, and the penalties can be severe.
Moreover, numerous RNG facilities suffer significant financial losses due to fugitive emissions. Even a series of small leaks can result in substantial losses. The experts at Sniffer Robotics use purpose-designed equipment to detect and quantify (concentration and flow rate) leaks that others cannot.
Learning Objectives –
Understanding the Regulatory Climate and Avoiding Satellite Detection
Common Areas of Concern/Exceedance
Technological Advancements for Leak Detection
Reporting, Visualization, and Insights for Remediation, CapX, and Maintenance Planning